Down the Beautiful Oregon/California Coast to Santa Rosa
We left Bandon before 9 A.M. We figured we have about eight hours of driving to get to Fort Bragg. No sense stopping before that -- we will explain why later with a map. We only drove 193 miles yesterday, so the rules are different today.
 We will stop less often. next coastal views represent a 140 mile stretch of Oregon and California that is mainly beaches.
The trio of pictures below  were taken by Elaine from the same overlook. We are probably about 28 miles from Bandon, the first overlook beyond Bandon that views the Pacific Ocean. 
The two below were taken nearly two hours from Bandon.
Each of these wonderful views were about 15 minutes apart.
But for a truly spectacular and panoramic view, click HERE.
What is Elaine photographing here?
The two pictures below were taken about 15 minutes later looking down and up the Pacific coast respectively.
The three pictures below were taken about 45 minutes later -- we might be in California by now. Bad record taking!
We are clearly in California by now.
Might be this above -- part of the panoramic view.  Or this, with it's pink flowers. Also part of the pan.
Looking north up the coast, we will soon leave the Pacific and enter the redwoods.
A person at the tourist information center warned us to leave 101 at the divide shown in the map above and take the redwoods road. They warned that the real highway 101 has been heavily logged and would be depressing. So we did.
Fred was a big donor to preserve all this wilderness.
Our next one was taken four hours later.  Here's why.
Right in the center of the forest, we stopped to see this sign.
We didn't have time to take all the trails and our own pictures. Click Redwood  for a site with great pics -- including a pan I would have died to take myself. We didn't have time to take all the trails and our own pictures.
The rest of northern coastal highway goes through the redwood country. We were told to be sure to be alert and awake for the road south of Leggett. You can see why. On the right is a blow up of that little stretch from Leggett to the coast.
It was the curviest road I have ever driven.
We elevated and delavated two thousand feet -- twice on this stretch. Exciting, but no place to pull over and snap. 

We came out of those hills intact, and Elaine was seeing one fantastic view.

The Pacific ocean was worth all the driving stress. This was very near Fort Bragg which was where we decided to stay the night.

Our Final Push to Santa Rosa.                                       

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